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Cornel West and Richard Wolff: Marxism, Capitalism and Wage Slavery

July 29, 2015

Dandelion Salad

Unions Behind Labor Day Image by Democracy Chronicles via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Cornel West and Richard D. Wolff

GRITtv on Jul 28, 2015

A conversation about capitalism with two brilliant minds, Cornel West and Richard D. Wolff, together in a rare joint appearance. Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, and author most recently of Capitalism’s Crisis Deepens: Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown 2010- 2014/ Dr. Cornel West has written or edited dozens of books, including classics like Race Matters, and Democracy Matters. His most recent is Black Prophetic Fire, written in conversation with Christa Buschendorf. Also in the show, activist Manju Rajendran tells us about a small business that is successfully operating under an anti-capitalist economic paradigm. And Laura raises questions about the record-setting settlement with BP over drilling disaster in the Gulf Coast.

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  1. Rick, the advocacy of Richard Wolff and Cornel West is of utmost importance to this 2016 election.

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  1. Cornel West and Richard Wolff: Marxism, Capitalism and Wage Slavery | DrLearnALot's House of Edumacation
  2. Cornel West and Richard Wolff: Marxism, Capitalism and Wage Slavery | DrLearnALot's House of Edumacation

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