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America the Trumped: 10 ways the administration attacked civil rights in year one | Southern Poverty Law Center

January 20, 2018

Excellent documentation of how the Trump Administration has attacked the American people so far, produced by the SPLC. – RJC

Source: America the Trumped: 10 ways the administration attacked civil rights in year one | Southern Poverty Law Center

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  1. From the article (what about regressive taxation, attacks on access to affordable healthcare, exacerbation of climate change, etc.?):

    Here are 10 ways that he, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other administration officials have undermined protections for the most vulnerable people in America.

    Promoting a white nationalist agenda
    Slashing civil rights enforcement
    Revving up the deportation machine
    Banning Muslims
    Attacking voting rights
    Shredding LGBT protections
    Encouraging police abuses
    Reviving debtors’ prisons
    Undermining public education
    Eroding the rights of students with disabilities

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  3. Susan Stein permalink

    It’s sickening, & painful. This is no longer the America I was born in, knew & loved. My heart aches for our people, our lands, and for the world. A war that was suposed to hsve ended this was won 71 years ago. Must we fight it again?

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